Work Abroad

Work in Germany

Work in Germany 3 December, 2013

When looking for work in Germany it is important to know the current Issues on the German labour market, as well as to which jobs in Germany are on demand. Furthermore you should be well-informed about the job search in Germany.

Germany | An immigration nation

When looking to working abroad Germany seems to be an interesting option to immigrate to. Germany is a multi-cultured and economically succesful nation with about 80 million inhabitants just in the centre of Europe. It is traditionally a country of immigration with nine bordering nations and many immigrants from all over the planet. The total population increased recently slightly dispite low birth rates. But why is that? The answer is that many European citizen and workers from all over the world  immigrate to Germany to enhance their profesional career in Germany. When immigrating to Germany there are is a lot to consider such as the documents required and Visa terms.

German Labour Market

Germany offers great perspectives when it comes to looking for a job. The economic crisis is hardly noticeable on the the German labour market and the jobs tend to be well-paid. The unemployment rate is currently at 6.5 % (November 2013) and a positive trend on the labour market is prospected for 2014, especially in the medium sized and the exporting businesses.  Germany faces a favourable balance of trade and is one of the leading countries in exporting industrial goods. Especially highly qualified workers are actively seeked among German companies since the vacancies cannot always be covered by German applicants. The German economy is charactarized by its strong “Mittelstand” (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) and its “Hidden Champions” (highly innovative, very specialised SME’s as market leaders).

Jobs in Germany

The German economy therefore welcomes the Intregrated European Labour Market and is opening doors to skilled applicants from all over Europe as well as to workers from Non-EU countries. There are  a lot of english speaking jobs available, not only in Engineering and IT but also in Medical/ Healthcare,  Science or the Businness sectors such as Marketing and Finance. However, speaking the German language could not only support your job search but also help integrating into the culture and ease managing your day-to-day life. Many jobs in Germany meet the requirements of applicants looking to work abroad.

Job search in Germany

Reagarding job search in Germany: vacant jobs in Germany are published via various channels. They can be found via the governmental entities such as the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) or the subordinated International Placement Service (Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung ZAV) being in charge for the International applicants. Additionally the European  network of European employment agencies (EURES) could be consulted offering their services in 25 languages.

Job search online

The businesses publish their job offers (keyword: Stellenangebote) also traditionally via the newspaper or as nowadays more commonly practised via the numerous job portals on the internet (keyword: Jobbörse). Famous  job portals are or (offering also english speaking jobs) or the more specialised ones as the english newspapaer for German news “thelocal/jobs” focussing on english speaking jobs only. However, there are many more portals offfering posts in more specific branches regarding work in Germany.

Good luck 😉

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