Work Abroad

Visa Documents Germany

Visa Documents Germany 5 December, 2013

Documents needed when applying for the Visa in Germany

Find examples of documents you might possibly be asked to provide when applying for a Visa or the Blue Card Germany at the German embassy. If you are yet in Germany you can request them directly at the GermanAusländerbehörde”  (immigration office)The German embassy in your country might equip you with a 90-days-Visa so that you can arrange everything else at place. Inhabitants of countries as Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and the United States as well as all nationals of the Schengen Area can enter Germany without residence permit and apply then without any problem at the local Ausländerbehörde.

  • Valid biometric Passport
  • 2 – 3 passport photos
  • Birthdate Certificate
  • Security questionaire
  • Detailed employment contract
  • CV and qualifications with certificates
  • Health Insurance
  • Finacial Security
  • Driver’s licence

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