Work Abroad

Types of visas to work in Spain

Types of visas to work in Spain 28 January, 2014

There are different types of visas that allow you to work legally in Spain. It is necessary to obtain a work visa and a work permit to reside and work in Spain. The visas vary depending on your professional activity, the job sector you wish to work in and the duration of your time in Spain.

The most common documents that permit you to live and work in Spain are as follows:

Types of permits to live and work in Spain

Temporary residence and research work

This type of work and residency authorisation allows foreign workers to start an investigation project in a company or national entity in Spain, within the limits of an agreed framework.

Living and working in Spain in a managerial position or as a highly qualified professional

This is the visa that the following professionals must apply for:

  • Company managerial position, technicians and scientists contracted by the State, foreign teachers contracted by a Spanish university, highly qualified technicians and scientists that wish to carry out investigative work in Spain, artists of international prestige, or managerial personnel that is involved with a business project that is considered to be of public interest.

For each one of these positions the type of documentation varies. This is the most in-demand type of visa to work in Spain.

Live and work in Spain temporarily for a determined period

This applies to workers living and working in Spain for less than a year (temporary contracts, training internships, employment contracts, senior management contracts)

National Employment Situation

The National Employment Situation allows companies to contract foreign citizens who are not Spanish residents. This refers mainly to filling positions that are demanded by businesses but are difficult to fill solely within Spain.

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