Work Abroad

Study abroad in Germany

Study abroad in Germany 12 December, 2013

Why would I study in Germany? You are not alone if you decide to study abroad in Germany. There are about 150.000 foreign students studying and living in in Germany. German universities  try to provide enough university places for international students. The universities are famous all and valued al over the world due to the good German educational system. Having studied in Germany for one term or longer certainly looks good on your CV.

Tuition Fees in Germany

Tuition fees in Germany are inexpensive compared to other countries. Most universities and colleges are state entities, supported be the state of Germany. There are tuition fees in some “Bundesländern”  because they are in charge of  decision for their region. Bavaria, Hamburg and Lower Saxony charge are fee of €500 per semester. In thirteen “Bundesländern” no fee is charged, expect for some exceptions concerning a second degree or long studies. Additionally there is a semester fee for cafeteria, sport utilities, a transportation semester ticket , etc. , the  fee is about 150 to 250 Euros depending on the university. To study at a private university is much more expensive since they are financed by the fees only.

Study in Germany scholarships

German students can apply for a study grant called BAFÖG supporting their financial needs. Foreign students can also apply but do only in very few cases receive an BAFÖG-scholarship. For European Students of Universities forming part of the ERASMUS university charta “Erasmus for higher education” scholarship is available. However there are other scholarships and grants available for students such as the Deutschlandstipendiume-fellows.netCopernicus Stipendium, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) or the Studien Kolleg zu Berlin. Find more Information and the concerning Links about the scholarships for study abroad in Germany.

Requirements to enter a German University

In some universities the entrance is free from obligations except for the application formalities. Others have a limited places and often the criteria is grades. The numerous clausus is the most important hurdle to enter to some courses such as medicine studies for instance. In general the universities are open to anyone with residence title in Germany, Cititzen of the EU are free to study in Germany. For obtaining such a study Visa there are different requirements depending on the country you are from. Non EU residents might have to apply for an international student Visa before entering Germany. If you are looking for an exchange on ERASMUS base or another International organistaion for instance than the paper work can be prepared with your home university.

How to apply at a German University

Students whether German or International need to apply directly at the concerning university since there is no central office for students applications in Germany.  There might be many different application procedures depending on the universities. You might be requested to keep different deadlines and hand in different documents. That’s why an induvidual research of each university and the offers for International students should be done. The universities have an International office and in return for a little charge they will help you with the application for the concerning university. The best is to start with research on the university’s webpages and fill in the online-form available. Please keep in mind to keep the deadlines as they close very early in Germany so that you can hand in the missing documents without any stress.

Study in Germany in English

For those students looking to live and study in Germany without very good knowledge of the dificult German language a study in Germany in English might be the right choice. More and more study programmes are available in English as well, especially in Master programmes. Those programmes often are titled with “International studies xyz“.

“Duales Studium”  | Combine Studies and Vocational Training

In order to combine practical and theoretical training the Germans development a education system called Duales Studium. You apply for it at the many participating companies and they pay you during studies and work. Working and studying time is rotational. There are many applicants trying to gain employment in a post of the dual studies but however there are many posts available in total. Often you sign a contract with the company that you stay there after finishing your education. The business can actively educate young professionals, build a bond and help them financing their studies. In return the well-educated student will be providing his services for the company.