
Scholarships in Germany

Scholarships in Germany 16 December, 2013

When looking to study abroad in Germany there is always the possibilty of applying for a scholaraship or a study grant. If you fit in the requirements, it is always recommendable applying for scholarships in Germany.

Deutschlandstipendium | The Germany Scholarship

The Germany Scholarship provides financial and non-material support to top talented students from all over the world. The gifted students receive a financial support of € 300 per month, €150 is provided by businesses, foundations or private individuals, the other half is matched by the Federal Government. The universities offer mentoring programmes, networking events and internships. The criteria for the applicants are besides an excellent academic achievement, social commitment and personal achievements, such as overcoming challenges on social or family-background bases. Students receive the financial support for the standart time of study, but at least for the time frame of at least two semesters. Find more info about the Deutschlandstipendium.

Studienkolleg zu Berlin

The Studienkolleg invites about 30 gifted students of all disciplines from Germany and other European countries to study a year in Berlin. The scholarship is provided for German and European students studying in the fields of  science, business, politics, culture and administration.­ The target group is young European poeple that speak German and at least one other European language, who have excellent academic achievements and who show a “strong interest in European issues”. The scholarship is € 800 per month and additionally a travel grant of  € 1000. For more details please consult the webpage of the Studienkolleg zu Berlin.

Copernicus Scholarship

Every year there are about six to ten invitations to Hamburg and Berlin for International students from Europe. The fields of study are business, politics, international relationships and  law. The most important requirement is a level of German B2 or C1. The students live in guest families and all living expenses are covered as well as public transportation and securities. The students receive furthermore a pocket money of about €220. Find more information in German about the Copernicus Schloarship.

e-fellows.net scholarship

The objective of e-fellows.net is to foster talented students by offering the first online scholarships in Europe. Through these scholarships, e-fellows.net supports the highest qualified and talented university students by offering services and creating a unique network for their studies and career. The requirements are excellent academic achivements. It does not offer financial support, but a number of networking possiblities, connections to big companies, admission to online data banks, free subscription to important newspaper and a seal of quality on your CV. Consult the official website of e-follows.net for more details.

ERASMUS for higher education scholarship

Since 25 years the ERASMUS programme transferred almost 3 million of students in European countries. It is the most successful exchange programme in the world. Students can apply for the scholarship at their home universities that are registered with the ERASMUS University Charta. Find more Information about ERASMUS for higher education scholarship on the webpage of the European Commision.


The Federal State of Germany supports its young students by granting them a loan for studying. The requirement is that the parents cannot finacially sufficiently support their children during the time of study. In the end of the study the student has to pay back half of the loan. For foreigners it is quite difficult to obtain this kind of grant, as long have residence permit and a perspective to stay for a long time. For EU members it is easier to be granted with the loan, however, than for citizen of NON-member states. There are a lot of paragraphs to study and many legal obligations to be met. Consult the official page (in German) of Bafög for more information.

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