Job Search Work Abroad

Job Search in Germany

Job Search in Germany 16 December, 2013

When it comes to job search in Germany it is important to know where to start. Vacant jobs in Germany are published via various channels. There are many ways to look for work in Germany. The International applicant does not necesarily know where to look and especially what to look for. He is wondering whether he would be required to speak the German language or if he can find a suitable english speaking job. In fact the internet is of growing importance when it comes to job search in Germany. Find below the most important:

Job Search in Germany Offline

They can be found via the governmental entities such as the  Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) or the subordinated International Placement Service (Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung ZAV) being in charge for the International applicants. Additionally the European  Network of European Employment Agencies (EURES) could be consulted offering their services in 25 languages.

Job Search in Germany Online

The businesses publish their job offers (keyword: Stellenangebote) also traditionally via the newspaper or as nowadays more commonly practised via the numerous job portals on the internet (keyword: Jobbörse). Famous  job portals are or (offering also english speaking jobs) or the more specialised ones as the english newspapaer for German news “thelocal/jobs”focussing on english speaking jobs only. However, there are many more portals offfering posts in more specific branches regarding work in Germany.  Many businesses use the numerous job portals as well as the professional social media networking possibilities. The recommended strategy to find jobs in Germany would be to use as many of the channels as possible in order to obtain a wide number of offers to chose between, in the best case.

Job Portals for English Speaking Jobs

There are  a lot of  English speaking jobs available, not only in Engineering and IT but also in Medical/ Healthcare,  Science or the Businness sectors such as Marketing and Finance. Famous German Job Portals are offering jobs from various branches and locations. Find below a selection of relevant Job portals.The job offers in English language are usually for those applicants looking for an English speaking job. But be careful. Many German business terms are adopted from the English language and used for German speakers also.


Good luck 😉

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