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Job Search

Job search

The first step to finding work is the job search. However, in the difficult times we live in, the job search is complicated. But don’t lose hope.

On Joblers, we want to help you find work. Read the sections below to make the whole job search process a lot easier on yourself.

How to find a jobHow to Find a Job

New technologies have brought with them a wide bank of possibilities when it comes to looking for work.

Now it is not only possible to find work using public employment services or newspaper adverts. The internet and social networks have changed the way in which we search for jobs.

In this section you will find advice and tips that you could use in your search for work, from how to prepare yourself for finding work, to detecting false job offers.

How to find a job

Looking for a jobLooking for a Job

Traditionally, employment agencies, newspaper adverts and connections through family and friends have been the principal sources for finding work.

However, currently there exist many more places where one can search for jobs. In this section we offer you a small guide of all the possibilities that are out there.

Looking for a job

Job Search OnlineJob Search Online

The internet has become a fundamental tool when it comes to searching for work. However, not all people know how to take full advantage of the internet to find work.

In this section you will find a small guide of how to use social networks and the job portals to increase your possibilities of finding a job.

Job search online

advice for the job searchAdvice for the Job Search

When a person is unemployed, looking for work is a job in itself. Just as in an office job, a factory or on the trade floor you can lose hope if you are constantly unsuccessful.

In this section we give you a series of advice so that you can overcome the job search process.

Advice for the job search