Job Search

Find a job in Canada

Find a job in Canada 16 January, 2014

To carry out the job search in Canada successfully you need to prepare well. This preparation includes being sure about the job sector in which you want to work. You must also create a good resume and cover letter. Lastly, you should practise questions for the job interview.

If you take note of the following advice about how to carry out an effective job search in Canada, then you should be able to successfully find work and start a new life there.

Canada job search tips

Choose a job sector and start your search

To search for work in the Canada you must be selective. Choose a particular job sector to make your job search easier and more fruitful. If you focus on one particular field, you can tailor your application and previous experiences to one area.

To choose a specific sector, think about your professional objectives: what you want from your career in terms of professional targets and what a company can offer you. Answering these questions will help your job search in the Canada. Knowing your response to these questions will also help you for the steps that we are going to discuss below.

Adapt your resume/CV and cover letter to each job offer

The CV and the cover letter are two fundamental pillars of the job search, no matter what country you want to work in.

It is important to adapt your resume and cover letter to each job offer. To do this you must read the job description carefully and then tailor your resume and cover letter to the requirements of the job offer.

There are also specific differences about the resume and cover letter in Canada than in other countries. In Canada, for example, you are expected to include a professional objective at the start of your resume; consult our designated Canadian resume section to find out more.

Prepare for the job interview

There are generally two interviews when you are applying for a job in Canada. First, a telephone interview, with the aim of finding out if the information that you tell the interviewer matches that which you have included on your resume and cover letter. Next is the personal interview; a more in-depth, face-to-face session with the interviewer who will ask you more technical, competency-based questions.

Depending on the job position, you may also have to complete a psychometric, numerical, aptitude or knowledge-based test during this second interview.

Remember that the interviewer will have read your resume and cover letter so you do not wish to repeat the same information during the interview. Prepare for the interview by familiarising yourself with your previous work experience and academic history. Also make sure you are prepared with some real world examples and anecdotes in which you demonstrated a particular skill in the past. Lastly, be aware that an interviewer will be looking to catch you out and therefore may ask something slightly unnatural such as an account of your personal weaknesses.

Consult our Canada job interview section to find more detailed tips to help you successfully overcome this step of the job application process. There is also useful advice in our general section on the job interview.

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