Curriculum Vitae

The curriculum vitae in the USA

The curriculum vitae in the USA 15 January, 2014

On this page you will find useful tips on how to write a US resume to successfully get a job interview and secure employment.

The first thing you need to know about the CV in the United States is that it isn’t called a curriculum vitae but rather a ‘Resume‘ (just as in other countries such as Canada or Australia). Although the name is different, the aim of the american CV is still the same: to get a job interview.

The american CV has a different style and structure to other countries; there are some key differences to the general CV advice on our website. If you want to increase your chances of finding a job in the United States, you must be willing to adapt your curriculum vitae to the requirements of a US resume.

Tips for the US resume

The curriculum vitae in the US has a series of specific requirements. Take note of the following features of the United States resume so that you know how to write a CV and carry out a successful job search in America.

  • The resume must be tailored to each company to which you apply.
  • The CV in the United States does not require a photograph. The law prohibits this on the grounds that race, gender, and religious discrimination could occur through the inclusion of a photo.
  • The resume should include a professional objective. It is an opening statement on your resume that is expected in the US. It defines your ambition within the sector or job position for which you are applying.
  • The CV for the US should be one page length. Only use two pages if there is essential information that would be detrimental to your application if you left it out.
  • Text font: it is best to use familiar, simple fonts that can be read easily. Arial, Sans serif and Times New Roman are three good, globally recognised fonts.
  • Structurally, the US resume begins with personal information, then education, and then work experience.
  • After the work experience section, highlight your individual successes in bullet point format.
  • The last section of the US resume should detail any awards or special qualifications you have achieved.
  • Finally, remember to use a range of good curriculum vitae vocabulary.

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