Work Abroad

Blue Card Germany

Blue Card Germany 4 December, 2013

The blue card Germany is targeted towards the citizen of non-EU-states that are looking for jobs in Germany. The federal government of Germany, “die Bundesregierung” is seeking to motivate highly-qualified-workers to come to work in Germany.

European Blue Card

The Blue Card was introduced by the European Union in order to enhance the process of immigration and migration into the EU-member-states. The Blue Card was launched as an alternative to the US-american Green Card and inspired by the blue colour of the European flag. Well-trained and highly-qualified applicants should find their way to the European labour market in order to combat the shortage of skilled workers. The Blue Card provides proof for legal migration of  a citizen from a non-EU-country in an EU- member state for working. So the Blue Card is a card for citizen from non-EU-states.

Blue Card for citizen from non-Eu-states only

The Blue Card is basically a work permit for the Non- EU citizen to work in all participating Blue Card Countries. The residence title (visa), with some exceptions,  needs to applied before entering the Country.  The member states Denmark, Ireland and the UK do not form part of the Blue Card Directive. Between the other member states the movement  is free to the applicant once he obtained the work permit and movement of workplace is free after 18 month.  The Blue Card is valid for 4 years but can be extended upon request. 

Blue Card Germany

Germany’s labour markets doors are open, especially to people with university degree as well as to people with vocational qualifications.   To being granted with the the Blue Card Germany applicants are required to fulfil certain requirements such as an secured income of a certain amount. The amount varies depending on the profession of the applicant. In general the pre-conditions are connected to the qualifications and the gross salary of the Blue Card Germany applicant.

Requirements for the Blue Card Germany

The applicant must prove a university degree, a similar graduation or at least five years of work experience. He is expected to provide a work contract with a salary of at least 46.400 € or in some cases in sectors with shortage of German applicants 36.192 € per year (sector of  mathematics, science, engineering, medicine or IT-services.) The salary condition exists to show evidence that the applicant is better qualified than a equivalent German or European worker. University graduates or applicants with similar graduation (e.g trainee programme) with evidence of sufficient savings to live on are provided with half a year of time (respectively one year of time for graduates of trainee programmes) for seeking a permanent job in Germany. When applying for a Blue Card Germany (= Visa, work permit, residence title) some personal documents for Visa such as passport or empoyment contract will be requested.

Is the Blue Card Germany yet a flop?

Since the launch of Blue Card Germany few applicants used the Blue Card to migrate to Germany. Germany suffers still a relatively bad image in terms of welcoming immigrants and the Blue Card has not yet arrived in the minds of highly-qualified applicants. The difficult language is another aspect discouraging International workers. It might take some time and good marketing to be perceived as serious alternative to Americas’ Green Card. However the immigration to Germany has been eased and for the first time young academics can enter Germany without having a work contract yet. The demographic development and the low birth rate in Germany and all over Europe might make it necesary to market the Blue Card more successfully for immgration in non-EU-countries on the long term.

Good luck for your Blue Card Germany application! 😉

Find important advice for the job search in Germany

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