Advice for the job search
The search for employment is a difficult job in itself. It requires effort, concentration, planning, analysis and time…a lot of time. Currently, finding work demands a great amount of personal effort and can be an exhausting process.
Many people approach the search for work with the wrong attitude. Searching for work takes time but also an optimistic and proactive attitude.
There are a great number of tools around you to help you find work, but one must know how to use them correctly. Take note of the following advice to learn how to successfully overcome the search for work.
Tips for finding a job
Dismiss any fear and negative thoughts
If you start the job search with the mind set: no one if going to employ me, this search is futile…then your pessimism will be reflected in how you look for work and instead of seeing a whole host of job opportunities, you will see nothing.
Therefore, if you are looking for a job in your city, region, country or abroad, you must confront the search for employment with enthusiasm, energy and a good dose of positivity.
Do not fear rejection
Most people go through many job interviews, and will be rejected from the majority of them. When you apply for a job position, you should be fully prepared for them to say no. Don’t be scared of the word no.Do not be disheartened once you are rejected. The experience you gain from each job interview gives you vital knowledge to be stronger at the next interview. It is common to feel dejected and hopeless following failure at a job interview. However, do not let this put you off pursuing another job application because every failure makes you better for the next job interview.
Be clear of your profile and what you are ready to accept
After you have analysed your professional profile, you must apply as a potential employee to those offers that are most suited to your profile.
Adapt your CV and Cover Letter to each job application
Each job position requires the candidate to have some specific skills, knowledge and competencies. If, for example, it is specified in the job offer that they require at least two years of work experience, modify your CV to highlight this, putting the work experience section first.Also, adapt your cover letter to each offer, highlighting the aspects of your professional profile that best encapsulate the description of the ideal candidate according to the company. Through this, you will demonstrate your personal interest in any given company.
Be alert to hidden job offers
Not all the job offers are published, some of them remain within limited circles of acquaintances and the workers of the company.Consult your contacts, make them aware that you are searching for a new job opportunity and above all be aware of the famous phrase, “I have heard that….are looking for people.” Perhaps in a casual conversation you will find the job you are looking for.
Learn how to use social networks to find work
An increasing number of companies are posting job offers online. Therefore, knowing how to find a job online is just as important as preparing yourself for the job interview or writing a good CV.
The social networks, the employment agencies and company websites are the places online in which you should start looking.
Beware of false job offers
Sadly, you hear more and more cases of job offers that advertise one thing but the reality is very different. If you have a doubt about the company that has begun a job selection process, research their background on the internet and try to talk with people that have experience in this labour sector.